For a special edition of our weekend video, Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts talks to Bob Phillips, 3EDGE’s Chief Technology Officer, discuss the rapid advances in AI technologies
3EDGE Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO and Chief Investment Officer Steve Cucchiaro discuss: The FOMC’s decision to not increase short-term interest rates at this past week’s meeting. What could this decision mean for the Fed’s ongoing battle to combat inflation? How should investors think about positioning their portfolios at this point?
Is the start of a new bull market good news for the markets? That’s the topic of our weekend video, Party Like It’s 1999?
This week, we find investors debating whether a credit contraction has just begun in the U.S. economy, or if we're just now seeing the end of one. 3EDGE’s Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO/CIO Steve Cucchiaro discuss: • What is a credit contraction? • How and when does it occur during an economic cycle? • What is the potential impact of a credit contraction on the economy and the financial markets?
You may have heard the Wall Street saying, "Sell in May and Go Away." It refers to an adage about stocks underperforming during the six months from May to October, with November through April being the top-performing six-month rolling period, on average. So, should you sell in May? That is the topic of our weekend video
As we do at the beginning of each month, Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and Deputy CIO Eric Biegeleisen bring you the latest View From the EDGE®. They review our outlook for the global capital markets and various asset classes and how that guides our investment decisions.
It's been a good year so far for gold – up almost 9%, narrowly beating the S&P 500. So, this weekend’s video topic is The Case for Gold. 3EDGE’s Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO/CIO Steve Cucchiaro discuss: Why might investors consider holding some gold as a long-term strategic investment? How has gold as an asset class performed versus other asset classes over an extended period? Given today’s environment, how should investors think about including gold in their portfolios?
As if other concerns were insufficient, investors also worry about a debt ceiling fight looming in Washington. So, this weekend's video is about the Debt Ceiling Impasse (What Could Go Wrong?) 3EDGE’s Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO/CIO Steve Cucchiaro discuss: • What is the government debt ceiling and how does it work? • What might it mean if Congress doesn’t agree to raise the ceiling in the next few months? • Examples of past debt ceiling impasses • How should investors think about positioning their portfolios at this point?
This weekend's video topic is U.S. Treasury Bonds–Not Always Safe Investments. 3EDGE Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO and Chief Investment Officer Steve Cucchiaro discuss: How even supposedly risk-free U.S. Treasuries may not always be a risk-free investment. Why may a 60/40 stock/bond portfolio that has worked so well over the most recent decades may not work as well in the future? How should investors think about positioning their portfolios at this point?
This weekend, Fritz Folts, 3EDGE Chief Investment Strategist, and Steve Cucchiaro, CEO and Chief Investment Officer, explain the concept of financial disintermediation and how it might impact markets in the coming months.