You’ve worked hard to create your wealth. Our goal is to let you focus on your life and leave navigating the ups and downs of the markets to us. Whether you are planning for retirement or saving for the next generation, let us help you meet your investment needs.

Build Diversified Portfolios
You’ve likely heard the saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” when it comes to investing. Building diversified portfolios is the core of what we do at 3EDGE. This includes spanning different geographies and looking at various asset classes like equities, fixed income, real assets as well as cash. Investment returns could vary significantly across the globe and across asset classes from year to year. We combine the decades of collective experience of our team with our proprietary model to construct the right mix of portfolios for different financial goals.

Active, Tactical Investment Management
Simply put, we adjust our investment strategies when our outlook for the global capital markets changes. If we see signs of storms on the horizon, we look for a path to get out of the way. In contrast, more traditional balanced portfolios may remain fully invested regardless of the market environment. We seek to manage portfolio risk and smooth market volatility in our goal to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns for our clients.

Look at Risk Differently
For most investors the pain of losing money in the stock market is far greater than the positive feelings from investment gains. This behavior might explain why investors may panic during market corrections and make decisions that are simply not in their best long-term interest, i.e., selling low and buying high. We believe that markets are inherently riskier than the finance industry’s traditional approaches to risk management would suggest. Consequently, we place extra focus on downside risk management. Read our white paper on A Risk-Managed Approach to Tactical Investing to learn more.

Offer a Range of Solutions
Our range of investment strategies offers a choice of solutions to match your investment time horizon and risk tolerance:
Multi-Asset Core Solutions
3EDGE Conservative Strategy: Fixed Income complement or outright replacement
3EDGE Total Return Strategy: Complementary sleeve to a traditional 60% stocks / 40% bonds portfolio
3EDGE ESG Strategy: Complementing a core portfolio with an environmental, social and governance (ESG) focus
3EDGE Growth Strategy: Equity complement with a lower risk profile in terms of volatility and maximum drawdown
3EDGE ESG Aggressive Strategy: Equity complement utilizing ESG focused ETFs
Multi-Asset Income Solutions
3EDGE Income Plus Strategy: Active, tactical income generation solution balancing yield, return and risk
All Equity Solution
3EDGE Global Equity Strategy: Global equity complement or outright replacement of ACWI holdings
Crypto Solution
3EDGE Crypto Plus Strategy: Disciplined approach to investing in crypto currency providing an alternate store of value

Aim to Serve our Clients with Excellence
Every day, we are committed to improving all aspects of our business to help serve you better – whether it is our investment research, our operations or reaching out proactively to keep you informed. We put technology to use extensively but know at the end of it all what makes a difference is the human interaction – understanding your needs and doing our best to allow you to meet them.