The title of this month’s View from the EDGE® newsletter is: Investing in a Time of Radical Uncertainty, which we feel aptly describes how it feels particularly difficult for today's investors to anticipate the future of the economy and the markets. Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and Deputy CIO Eric Biegeleisen will review our outlook for the global capital markets across the asset classes we model and discuss the unusually wide gap between the potential optimistic and pessimistic scenarios that could play out in the months ahead.
In this weekend video, 3EDGE’s Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO/CIO Steve Cucchiaro discuss the recent invasion of Israel by Hamas. News of the invasion is one of those events that renders all other news irrelevant. With a heavy heart, we discuss the potential impact of this deeply distressing human tragedy on global capital markets.
In this special edition of our Week in Review series, 3EDGE Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts is joined by our Chief Technology Officer, Bob Phillips, to discuss the key drivers of inflation and how the Fed may respond going forward.
In "The Return of Goldilocks?" 3EDGE Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO and Chief Investment Officer Steve Cucchiaro revisit the prospect of a "Goldilocks" scenario in the markets, where the Fed and other factors on inflation manage to engineer an economy that's not "too hot" and not "too cold", but "just right" – but history shows us this is a difficult task.
This weekend's video topic is 2% Inflation? Not So Fast! 3EDGE Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO and Chief Investment Officer Steve Cucchiaro discuss how, while Wall Street analysts and pundits seem convinced that inflation is well on its way down, why it may remain stuck above the Fed’s 2% target for some time.
In this edition of the Week in Review, 3EDGE Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO and Chief Investment Officer Steve Cucchiaro discuss the return of the Bond Vigilantes, live from our new Boston office.
In this special edition of the Week in Review, 3EDGE Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO and Chief Investment Officer Steve Cucchiaro discuss the return of the Bond Vigilantes, live from our new Boston office.
The past few weeks have seen the world’s major central banks take center stage as rates rise around the globe. With this backdrop, Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and Deputy CIO Eric Biegeleisen review our latest outlook for the global capital markets and various asset classes in the August 2023 edition of View From the EDGE®. 
3EDGE Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and CEO and Chief Investment Officer Steve Cucchiaro discuss the historic overvaluation we're seeing in the S&P 500 index.
Chief Investment Strategist Fritz Folts and Deputy CIO Eric Biegeleisen review our latest outlook in the July View From the EDGE®